Unlocking Potential with OPTIONS Transitions to Independence: Arrowsmith Program

Why Arrowsmith? Take the Cognitive Questionnaire
Uncover the cognitive obstacles your child may face. Take Arrowsmith’s Cognitive Questionnaire now.

Empowering Young Adults with the Arrowsmith Program

For more than two decades, OPTIONS has been dedicated to empowering post-secondary young adults by helping them recognize and optimize their full potential. Utilizing the Arrowsmith Program, backed by over 30 years of research, we demonstrate the ability to rewire the human brain and enhance cognitive capacities. Together, these efforts make a significant impact on the academic and personal journeys of individuals, addressing and overcoming learning dysfunctions that can hinder success.

The Arrowsmith Program: A Legacy of Learning Transformation

With over 30 years of experience, the Arrowsmith Program is a testament to the potential for rewiring the human brain. It showcases how individuals can enhance cognitive capacities, addressing the underlying learning dysfunctions that can be barriers to success.

Global Leaders in Arrowsmith Implementation

OPTIONS Transitions to Independence and its affiliate, Brehm School, proudly stand as global leaders in implementing the Arrowsmith Program. As of now, we are the sole boarding programs in the world offering this groundbreaking approach to learning.


Global Leaders in Arrowsmith Implementation

OPTIONS Transitions to Independence and its affiliate, Brehm School, proudly stand as global leaders in implementing the Arrowsmith Program. As of now, we are the sole boarding programs in the world offering this groundbreaking approach to learning.


A Dynamic Partnership for Exceptional Opportunities

Our collaboration with the Arrowsmith Program opens doors to exciting prospects for young adults with complex learning disabilities. By combining the expertise of two powerful programs, we offer a holistic approach to address the unique needs of our students.

Top Ten Cognitive Functions Arrowmith addresses
Motor Symbol Recognition
Symbol Relations
Memory for Information and Instructions
Predicative Speech
Broca's Speech Pronunciation
Symbol Thinking
Symbol Recognition

Lexical Memory

Non-Verbal Thinking (Artifactual Thinking)

Quantification Sense

Lexical Memory
Non-Verbal Thinking (Artifactual Thinking)
Quantification Sense

The Genesis of Arrowsmith

In 1978, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young set out to overcome her own severe learning disabilities. This journey inspired the Arrowsmith Program, an initiative that has since transformed countless lives. Discover Barbara’s story in her book, “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.”